Audio Distribution Analog

9 products

In stock

Sonifex RB-BL2

Sonifex RB-BL2

Single stereo bi-dir. matching converter

Sonifex RB-BL4

Sonifex RB-BL4

Dual Stereo Bi-Directional Matching Amp.

Sonifex RB-DA6

Sonifex RB-DA6

6-voud stereo distributie amp fixed

Sonifex RB-DA6G

Sonifex RB-DA6G

6-voud stereo distributie amp variable

Sonifex RB-LI2

Sonifex RB-LI2

Stereo line isolation unit

Sonifex RB-PLI6

Sonifex RB-PLI6

Redbox 6 in/uit scheidingstrafo's

Sonifex RB-UL1

Sonifex RB-UL1

Unbalanced to Balanced Single Converter

Sonifex RB-UL2

Sonifex RB-UL2

Dual Unbalanced to Balanced Converter

Sonifex RB-UL4

Sonifex RB-UL4

Quad Unbalanced to Balanced Converter

Published prices are excluding VAT and per single unit, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
The total cost of your purchase is shown to you before you place your order.